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Ireland: Competition in wholesale leased lines

While preserving the spirit of its last market review, ComReg is proposing deregulation in more than half of the overall leased lines market

Commerce Commission files charges over satellite marketing

The case is the latest in an extended effort from the regulator to improve transparency for consumers from One NZ and the broader telecoms sector

Italy’s fixed access market review

AGCOM’s second market analysis of the year seeks to account for a major change in ownership of the country’s broadband infrastructure

Consolidating the fibre market in the US

A tie-up with Frontier could provide a much-needed boost to Verizon’s fibre proposition without giving rise to any major competition concerns

One touch (switch) is all it takes

The long-awaited process should stimulate broadband competition and benefit consumers, but Ofcom remains frustrated with the successive delays in the run up to its launch

Event debrief: Connected Britain 2024, Day 2

Regulatory stability was the overarching request to the new Government and Ofcom from industry

Event debrief: Connected Britain 2024, Day 1

Amid ranging assessments of the future of the altnet market, panellists also made numerous asks of the new Government, from AI to infrastructure

US: Public funding for satellite connectivity

Though the NTIA’s inclusion of LEO satellite in BEAD programming represents progress for the industry, the agency’s request for more feedback indicates some lingering hesitancy

Is it too early to deregulate fibre services?

The Commerce Commission intends to maintain wholesale regulation in New Zealand until 2029, but technological developments may open the door to future changes in the rules

Competition in Canada’s broadband market

The CRTC’s wholesale regulation aims to deliver more choice and lower prices for consumers while recognising the need to encourage operator investment