Though digital priorities, including the Digital Networks Act, appear set to be redeemed from the role of the “forgotten twin”, the direction of telecoms regulation reform is still uncertain
Spain extends spectrum licences at no extra cost
The Government will lengthen usage rights by up to 10 years but wants to see operators invest in return
EC Gigabit Recommendation: BEREC’s response
Alignment with the EECC is paramount, with the current version risking premature deregulation and a higher administrative burden for NRAs
Co-investment in European telecoms: A problem halved?
With Germany trailing peers in the deployment of fibre, the Vodafone/Altice partnership could make a meaningful contribution to meeting the Government’s recent broadband strategy
Ofcom to prevent mobile operators from selling locked devices
Spain introduces tax on OTT communications in new Telecommunications Act
The revised legislation implements the new European Electronic Communications Code, including additional measures for consumer protection.
European Commission to deregulate three wholesale markets
The EC issued a draft of the reviewed Recommendation on relevant markets, proposing to retain ex-ante regulation on only two wholesale markets.
European Commission adopts Regulation for 5G small cells
The Regulation specifies the physical and technical characteristics of small cells for 5G networks, and sets out a permit-exempt deployment regime.