The regulator found that data transfers related to switching providers create no additional cost for cloud providers, meaning no fee for data transfers can be charged to consumers
EU: Google’s cloud complaint against Microsoft
The showdown between tech firms finds Google advocating greater openness in digital markets, despite its alleged abuse of dominance elsewhere
Your (EU) mission, should you choose to accept it
Though digital priorities, including the Digital Networks Act, appear set to be redeemed from the role of the “forgotten twin”, the direction of telecoms regulation reform is still uncertain
Draghi: The future of European competitiveness
The report confirms the bleak outlook for Europe’s telecoms sector, but offers the possibility of growth, if not leadership, for the EU in some tech markets
Scaling up the UK’s AI sector
Though the Labour Government campaigned on growing the UK’s AI industry, its early decision to cut public investment in the sector sends a mixed message
What the joint EU, UK, US statement on AI competition leaves unanswered
Though the statement was meant to signal consistency, regulators in each of these countries face an inflection point in their approach to regulating AI
Event debrief: Fixing the Information Crisis
Despite its journalism-centric billing, the conference offered a range of discussions on how to update the regulation of US communications markets
Tech and telecoms under a Labour Government
A quick implementation of online safety rules, strengthening the framework for AI and reforms to the planning system are likely to take priority over changes to connectivity policy
South Africa’s National Data and Cloud Policy
The Competition Commission is directed to study potential anti-competitive trends in the cloud market, reflecting investigations already launched in Europe
Event debrief: ComReg’s evolving regulatory role
The market’s shift “from copper to cloud” makes for new priorities and challenges, and an imperative for both regulation and regulators to adjust in response