The regulator found that data transfers related to switching providers create no additional cost for cloud providers, meaning no fee for data transfers can be charged to consumers
EU: Google’s cloud complaint against Microsoft
The showdown between tech firms finds Google advocating greater openness in digital markets, despite its alleged abuse of dominance elsewhere
Competition and MVNOs in France
Bouygues Telecom’s takeover of La Poste Telecom reduces the size of the country’s MVNO market, but the regulator found no risk of harm to competition
Arcep’s updated sustainability indicators
The French regulator continues to extend its monitoring of sustainability in the telecoms sector as other European NRAs advocate a similarly expanded mandate
Brazil: Market convergence in audiovisual services
The regulator found that adoption of streaming-based video services, and the convergence of audiovisual markets, was dependent on local network development
Growing second-hand device markets
While limited supply of devices continues to slow growth for resale markets, operators and regulators have also looked to improving the longevity of devices
EC: Protecting competition in a changing world
DG COMP research shows that mobile prices in the EU are consistently lower than in the US, but that consolidation tends to increase prices and may not deliver greater investment
Event debrief: EC Workshop on Competition in Virtual Worlds and Generative AI
Even as panellists defended the importance of partnerships to competition in AI markets, the EC hinted at a deepening scrutiny of deals involving large tech firms
Restricting smartphones and social media for children
As political leaders debate banning the use of phones and platforms, tensions between teaching digital skills and ensuring safety online may be set to rise
Event debrief: AI Fringe Seoul Summit
Panellists questioned the long-term aims of the international AI summit series while encouraging participants to consider the future direction of the UK’s own tech policy