The regulator found that data transfers related to switching providers create no additional cost for cloud providers, meaning no fee for data transfers can be charged to consumers
Arcep’s updated sustainability indicators
The French regulator continues to extend its monitoring of sustainability in the telecoms sector as other European NRAs advocate a similarly expanded mandate
France’s ecodesign framework for digital services
While regulators engage more with sustainability, delivering Europe’s twin green and digital transitions will demand more work to understand the environmental impacts of technology
Progress report: Global broadband network development
As the rollout of fibre in France begins to plateau, the US seeks to keep pace with its peers by confirming a new target for nationwide gigabit broadband access
Wholesale broadband regulation roundup
The latest market reviews in France, Ireland and Portugal seek to clear the way for faster fibre rollouts while preserving competitive markets
France: Wholesale broadband regulation for 2024-2028
Arcep’s latest review spans five years for the first time, with new obligations on Orange in managing its copper switch-off programme as the country transitions to fibre
Malta: Factoring sustainability into regulation
The MCA is the latest in a growing set of European regulators to consider their role in supporting the delivery of environmental goals
Arcep reports on the state of France’s telecoms market
The regulator’s annual stocktake identifies just five companies responsible for the majority of domestic internet traffic, although it is yet to back calls for a ‘fair contribution’
Arcep’s second digital sustainability report
France continues to be at the forefront of regulatory efforts on sustainability, leveraging its expanded powers to assess environmental impacts across the internet value chain
Reviewing the wholesale broadband market in France
As the copper switch-off gathers pace, Arcep is proposing to relax price controls on Orange – a move that would align with the EC’s recent Gigabit Recommendation