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Communications Markets

Australia: Court prohibits Telstra/TPG rural tie-up

The parties could yet adjust the proposed agreement or appeal to the Federal Court, for which success would mean meeting a high legal threshold

Orange/MasMovil: EC outlines concerns

The regulator’s provisional position will be uncomfortable reading for those that see the proposed JV as a test case for future in-market consolidation in Europe

Conference debrief: ETNO-MLex Digital Policy Day

To drive progress against 2030 connectivity targets, like-minded stakeholders urged changes to the EU’s telecoms regulation and its attitude to in-market mergers

Ireland: ComReg looks to combat scam calls and texts

Addressing different types of fraud simultaneously could be a wise move that may help avoid the pitfalls experienced by other countries

Europe’s ‘fair contribution’ debate: Latest updates

Following a positive vote in the Parliament, the EU’s largest telcos are now seeking to get consumers and businesses on side

Merger of Three and Vodafone in the UK

The day has finally come, with the parties talking up the potential benefits for consumers, competition and the economy – but will the CMA agree?

Conference debrief: ISPA ISP Business Summit 2023

Discussions centred on stimulating fibre adoption, reflecting the industry’s shift from a focus on premises passed to delivering connections and returns

South Korea: Operators fined for deceiving consumers on 5G speeds

Marketing 5G performance unachievable in the real world prompts the regulator to levy one of the highest fines on record

Belgium: BIPT weighs in on the ‘fair contribution’ debate

The regulator echoes many of the arguments presented by BEREC, Meta and Google – but wants more stakeholder input before drawing a final conclusion

EC Gigabit Recommendation: BEREC’s response

Alignment with the EECC is paramount, with the current version risking premature deregulation and a higher administrative burden for NRAs