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Communications Markets

Duct and pole access pricing in Germany

For the first time, BNetzA’s wholesale charge controls for PIA will take into account Deutsche Telekom’s investment in the rollout of full fibre

Event debrief: Connected North 2024

Adoption, consolidation and regulation dominated discussions at this year’s event, with tensions already running high heading into the Telecoms Access Review

Malta: EC rejects the MCA’s proposed broadband regulation

Despite the veto, the MCA’s market review proposals have been welcomed by some as a challenge to the EC’s broader deregulatory agenda

Regulating wholesale telecoms

As the ACCC in Australia looks to roll back some rules over the next five years, in the UK, Ofcom appears set to stay the course

Spain's strategic investment in Telefónica

While some European countries already hold minority stakes in national operators, this move is a clear attempt to moderate the influence of foreign actors in key industries

Event debrief: BEREC’s 12th Stakeholder Forum

While the EC’s digital infrastructure white paper took centre stage, speakers also highlighted the increasing criticality of ensuring network security and resilience

Australia: Meeting future spectrum demands

There has been a flurry of spectrum-related activities, with the regulator consulting on expiring licences alongside its plan for the use of new frequencies

Progress report: Global broadband network development

As the rollout of fibre in France begins to plateau, the US seeks to keep pace with its peers by confirming a new target for nationwide gigabit broadband access

UK: CMA set for Phase II review of Three/Vodafone merger

Despite competition concerns at the both the retail and wholesale levels, there’s still the possibility commitments could be agreed that get the deal the green light

Australia: Regulating wholesale broadband access

Continuing to use NBN prices as a guide, the ACCC’s latest decision sets the terms for access to major altnets’ networks over the next three years