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Communications Markets

Priorities for Belgium’s Presidency of the Council of the EU

The Belgian Presidency looks to support future generations with online safety, lead efforts on safe AI, and support network investments through the Gigabit Infrastructure Act

Remedying competition concerns in European mergers

As rumours circulate about possible acquisitions, we discuss progress made – and consider the potential commitments – in three live competition reviews

Wholesale broadband regulation roundup

The latest market reviews in France, Ireland and Portugal seek to clear the way for faster fibre rollouts while preserving competitive markets

India: The new Telecommunications Act

The updated legislation will offer end users better protection against scams; however, the line between national security and privacy has become blurry

Key outcomes from WRC-23

The conference delivered a broadly positive result for the mobile industry, especially in Europe, although much of spectrum’s ‘low-hanging fruit’ has now been picked

Minimising connectivity disruptions for consumers

Updated telecoms resilience guidance aims to reduce the risk of network outages, as Ofcom initiates a conversation about potential mobile power backup obligations

Fair share: US picks up where the EU left off

With EU momentum largely lost, the US is considering increasing the number of universal service fund contributors, although legislative progress appears unlikely

The prospect of fibre deregulation in New Zealand

The Commerce Commission is to explore whether competitive developments in the market mean it can relax the rules on four fibre wholesalers

Dispute resolution mechanisms in telecoms

Ofcom’s review aims to ensure fair and consistent outcomes for consumers, while strengthening its oversight of the ADR process

Consumer strategies to dealing with price increases

Regulators in Belgium and Ireland are urging consumers to use price comparison tools to shop around, highlighting the potential savings available