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Communications Markets

Reviewing the wholesale broadband market in France

As the copper switch-off gathers pace, Arcep is proposing to relax price controls on Orange – a move that would align with the EC’s recent Gigabit Recommendation

MWC23: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 3

As the conference wound up, attention turned to the nuts and bolts of the industry – namely spectrum

MWC23: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 2

Sustainability and digital inclusion featured prominently as operators renewed their calls for regulatory reform in light of significant headwinds

MWC23: Regulation & Policy roundup from Day 1

Predictably, fair share dominated most of the opening day’s sessions, with renewed calls for consolidation a close second

EC’s three-part plan to boost gigabit connectivity

As well as proposing updates to current legislation, the EC is consulting on the sector’s long-term outlook and how it should be funded, including whether there should be a dedicated EU-wide fund to support access to affordable broadband

Telstra: Failing vulnerable customers in Australia

With issues of consumer protection under the watchful eye of ACMA, the operator has been found to have dropped the ball on more than one occasion

Removing Telia’s copper access obligations in Sweden

While the EC appears to support the deregulation of legacy networks, will it approve of the PTS bypassing the formal market review process?

Regulators seek to incentivise spectrum use in private networks

Lowering licence fees is an important step in unlocking 5G’s industrial potential and enabling private networks to flourish

Ofcom’s expectations of mobile providers for 2G and 3G switch-off

As legacy networks are shut down, effective communication should ensure consumers are protected and lessen the scope for further regulatory intervention

The FCC ups the ante on data breaches

T-Mobile’s latest hacking incident in the US shows how telcos remain a major target for bad actors and why cybersecurity protections need bolstering