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Mobile market consolidation in the US

T-Mobile claims acquiring UScellular will boost competition, but M&A in such a concentrated market will attract scrutiny over the potential effects on pricing and consumers

US: FCC issues fines for privacy violations

New legislative proposals on data privacy would transfer the regulation of privacy in the telecoms sector to the FTC but bring the US closer in alignment to its peers

Policy perspectives from CES 2024

While AI and privacy dominated discussions, the consumer tech showcase also brought reflections on spectrum policy and the digital divide

The FCC ups the ante on data breaches

T-Mobile’s latest hacking incident in the US shows how telcos remain a major target for bad actors and why cybersecurity protections need bolstering

Mobile network sharing in the Czech Republic given the green light

Following a six-year investigation, the EC is finally satisfied commitments made by operators are sufficient to resolve competition issues

Negotiating lower wholesale fibre prices in the Netherlands

By accepting a voluntary commitment from KPN the regulator hopes to avoid future legal challenges, but access seekers aren’t thrilled

T-Mobile takes KPN to court over copper phase-out in the Netherlands

There are signs that KPN’s competitors would struggle without a regulated migration offer. It is likely that the ACM will end uncertainty by issuing new rules next year

Dish and T-Mobile clash over 3G phase-out in the US

The remedies following the T-Mobile/Sprint merger were poorly thought out, and could fail to create the fourth MNO the DoJ wanted

Elsewhere in regulation this week

Other noteworthy regulatory developments week ending 7 May 2021 from the Assembly Analyst team

Czech Republic completes 5G spectrum auction

The CTU awarded the 700MHz and 3.5GHz bands to five operators.