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Netherlands: KPN’s acquisition of quad-play operator will require commitments

The deal would further cut the market share of independent MVNOs, while strengthening the incumbent’s position in the low-cost segment

Netherlands: Wholesale local access market left unregulated

The ACM will be monitoring KPN and Glaspoort’s network access commitments, which may have helped save VodafoneZiggo from new regulation

Negotiating lower wholesale fibre prices in the Netherlands

By accepting a voluntary commitment from KPN the regulator hopes to avoid future legal challenges, but access seekers aren’t thrilled

T-Mobile takes KPN to court over copper phase-out in the Netherlands

There are signs that KPN’s competitors would struggle without a regulated migration offer. It is likely that the ACM will end uncertainty by issuing new rules next year

ACM to deregulate leased lines in the Netherlands

The Dutch regulator believes KPN no longer has SMP in Market 4.

Dutch regulator authorises KPN to switch to IP interconnection

KPN will be able to switch off traditional interconnection from October 2021.

Dutch 5G auction raises €1.23bn

KPN, VodafoneZiggo and T-Mobile acquired spectrum across the 700MHz, 1.4GHz, and 2.1GHz bands.

Dutch regulator to be given more powers over fixed telecoms regulation

An amendment to the Telecommunications Act will allow the ACM to impose access obligations when there is a barrier to replicability.

Dutch court overturns joint dominance in wholesale broadband

The court annulled the ACM’s analysis of Markets 3a and 3b, which means KPN and Vodafone Ziggo are now exempt from access obligations.