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Communications Markets

Switzerland hits pause on mmWave

The Federal Council is taking a cautious approach to the release of mmWave for 5G amid concerns around health risks and uncertain demand

Lowering network rollout barriers in Spain

The CNMC backs the creation of a new agency to facilitate cross-government collaboration and improve operator access to public and private property

The UK’s Autumn Budget 2023: Seven measures for the telecoms sector

Full expensing should provide a boost for operators’ infrastructure investments, while spectrum sandboxes will offer opportunities for wider industry to explore

Reforming telecoms policy in South Korea in an effort to reduce prices

The regulator’s far-reaching strategy seeks to revitalise competition, while improving consumer choice and better aligning mobile data allowances with actual consumption

Modernising universal service to reflect the digital age

Policymakers look to ensure broadband access meets the evolving needs of society, including considering the role of alternative technologies

Portugal: ANACOM urges operators against price rises

The regulator has laid out guidance for operators in an attempt to mitigate the need for further intervention

Canada: Regulating wholesale access to fibre

The incumbent slashes network investment in response to the CRTC’s decision to require wholesale aggregated access to FTTH networks for competitors

France: Wholesale broadband regulation for 2024-2028

Arcep’s latest review spans five years for the first time, with new obligations on Orange in managing its copper switch-off programme as the country transitions to fibre

Italy: TIM agrees sale of its fixed infrastructure to KKR

The deal would represent the first of its kind among major European operators, although key shareholders could yet halt proceedings and further drag out this already long-running saga

Conference debrief: FT-ETNO Tech & Politics Forum 2023

The annual event in Brussels saw operators continue to push for in-market consolidation. Less was said of ‘fair share’ but Europe’s (lack of) leadership came under the microscope