As well as regulating AI, policymakers themselves are using it as part of their day-to-day work from document review to spectrum management. So far most have been slow to do so and remain cautious. International guidelines for the use of AI in the public sector could change that.
Age assurance: An imperfect science and solution
Age assurance engages the familiar trade-off in online safety regulation between protecting children and guarding privacy rights. As appetite grows for restrictions on access to digital services, we examine existing methods, regulatory approaches, and wider debate.
Deregulating telecoms
The EC is considering rolling back regulation on the sector, particularly ex-ante rules that often apply to former incumbent operators. We consider whether this deregulatory push is part of a wider global trend.
Three/Vodafone: A pathway to approval
Despite identifying competition concerns, the CMA has outlined a set of remedies that could lead to approval of the merger. In doing so it would transform the UK’s mobile market while helping to deliver government ambitions for connectivity and economic growth.
The importance of MVNOs for competition
With a growing market share, and some of the lowest prices and best customer service, MVNOs play a vital role in the market as an important competitive constraint and in keeping MNOs honest.
PSTN switch-off: Public communications and preparedness
As countries prepare for the PSTN switch-off, tensions have risen over whether consumers are ready to make the migration to digital voice. We review the role governments have played in communicating about the switch-off and consider other challenges in readiness
Remedies in four-to-three mobile mergers
With renewed calls for in-market consolidation and pending transactions in two European countries, it is timely to revisit previous merger review decisions. We’ve analysed the commitments in four deals and considered the impacts they had on the market
The international experience with in-contract price rises
A wave of price rises is coming to European telecoms, with many customers soon to face above-inflation increases in their monthly bills. What are these price rises based on, how much they are set to be, and how have they been implemented and communicated?
Making the case for mobile consolidation
Operators in Europe have renewed calls for consolidation in mobile. Whilst some regulators and competition authorities might be more receptive than in the past, operators will need to convince them that consolidation really is key to unlocking investment
The future’s bright, the future’s green
Telecoms operators have meaningfully embraced sustainability, with many having set targets even more ambitious than the net zero by 2050 aims. Regulators are paying attention too with ARCEP making environmental issues ‘the next chapter in regulation'