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Deregulating telecoms

Deregulating telecoms

The EC is considering rolling back regulation on the sector, particularly ex-ante rules that often apply to former incumbent operators. We consider whether this deregulatory push is part of a wider global trend.

Competition issues in tower spin-offs and sales

The push to monetise infrastructure has reduced operators' vertical integration and fuelled the growth of towercos. Given their increased scale and importance, we consider the concerns of competition authorities and the potential impact of regulation.

The Metaverse: Preparing for the future digital reality

While the initial hype surrounding the Metaverse may have given way to AI, development of its technological foundations continues. In light of the potential implications for policymakers, we've identified six areas where their attention should be focused

Remedies in four-to-three mobile mergers

With renewed calls for in-market consolidation and pending transactions in two European countries, it is timely to revisit previous merger review decisions. We’ve analysed the commitments in four deals and considered the impacts they had on the market