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Subsea cables: Charting the regulatory tides

Subsea cables: Charting the regulatory tides

Given the growing influence of big tech firms in subsea cable investment , governments are intent on regulating underwater infrastructure for a modern world. In the second of a series of reports, we outline the existing subsea cable regulatory toolbox and suggest points of focus for new policy interventions.

Subsea cables: Mapping the ocean floor

Subsea cables: Mapping the ocean floor

The subsea cable sector has undergone a significant transformation with growing investments from big tech firms. In the first of a series of reports, we detail the changes in cable ownership and manufacturing and consider concerns with cable resilience in this context.

The Metaverse: Preparing for the future digital reality

While the initial hype surrounding the Metaverse may have given way to AI, development of its technological foundations continues. In light of the potential implications for policymakers, we've identified six areas where their attention should be focused

The industry’s response to COVID-19 so far

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way people interact with each other all over the world. Given the essential need for connectivity, regulators and policymakers have been swift to change their priorities and focus on ensuring network resilience and support for consumers. In this note we share some of the measures regulators and policymakers have been taking, along with those of the operators, and identify some of the challenges that lie ahead.

Strengthening security for consumer IoT

On 27 January 2020, the UK Government published its policy position on security in consumer IoT. In deciding not to launch a voluntary labelling scheme, the Government recognised it wouldn't have the intended effect to improve customers’ awareness about the security of the IoT products they purchase. This is in line with what is taking shape at the European level, where the European agency for cybersecurity has also found the need for more specific legislation.

Policymakers seek reassurances over 5G cybersecurity concerns

As the issue of security in 5G networks gains momentum, policymakers around the world are taking contrasting approaches. Concerns around the use of Chinese vendors is resulting in outright bans in some countries (US, Australia, New Zealand), whereas others are yet to take a definite stance, such as the UK whose government is finalising a review of the telecoms supply chain.