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Subsea cables: Charting the regulatory tides

Subsea cables: Charting the regulatory tides

Given the growing influence of big tech firms in subsea cable investment , governments are intent on regulating underwater infrastructure for a modern world. In the second of a series of reports, we outline the existing subsea cable regulatory toolbox and suggest points of focus for new policy interventions.

Subsea cables: Mapping the ocean floor

Subsea cables: Mapping the ocean floor

The subsea cable sector has undergone a significant transformation with growing investments from big tech firms. In the first of a series of reports, we detail the changes in cable ownership and manufacturing and consider concerns with cable resilience in this context.

Satellite connectivity: Small step or giant leap?

Satellite connectivity: Small step or giant leap?

With technological advances bringing satellite connectivity to the fore again, policymakers have identified core uses for space-based communications. We outline the role for satellite connectivity and consider the limitations for broader adoption