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Communications Markets

ETNO/POLITICO: ‘Telecoms drumbeat for the future of connectivity’

European regulators stressed that no decision on a ‘fair contribution’ had yet been made, with all options still on the table – except for changes to net neutrality rules

Orange/VOO deal sparks telecoms restructuring in Belgium

A network access commitment secured the EC’s approval in Phase II, but further in-market consolidation now depends on the national competition authority

The FCC’s satellite-to-smartphone regulation

Off the back of several new partnerships, the framework aims to facilitate further collaboration between satellite providers and mobile operators

CNMC approves energy-driven increases to wholesale charges in Spain

The decision helps better align Telefónica’s colocation prices with its costs, although the CNMC pushed back against retroactive adjustments to historic charges

Competition authority dismisses claims of price collusion in Croatia

While the evidence didn’t show anti-competitive practices, price increases for telecoms services have proved contentious, particularly if poorly communicated

A wave of mobile market restructuring in Asia

While Europe pushes the idea of cross-border mergers, telcos will hope regulators follow Asia’s lead in approving in-market consolidation

Improving broadband information for UK consumers

Ofcom moves to tackle confusion around different network technologies, 15 years since the problem emerged

Westminster eForum: Next steps for the UK mobile industry

Enabling consolidation, scrapping spectrum licence fees and departing from EU net neutrality rules were all highlighted as priorities for the sector

House of Lords: Inquiry into digital exclusion and the cost of living

BT Group, Community Fibre/INCA, Vodafone, and Wildanet all gave evidence to the committee on social tariffs, mid-contract price rises, and promoting digital inclusion

EC approves fibre joint ventures in Austria and Germany

To meet EU connectivity targets and rising demand for faster broadband, operators are increasingly turning to co-investment to supercharge fibre rollouts