The fair use policies that apply to these offers are catching too many customers by surprise, and could even clash with net neutrality rules
Google fined €500m in France for failing to negotiate in good faith with press publishers
Despite the intervention of the competition authority, online platforms and press publishers are struggling to agree on the remuneration of press content online
OECD finally agrees global tax deal
US Court pours cold water on the FTC’s attempt to break up Facebook
The ruling goes to show how important defining the scope of digital markets will be in any attempt to draw up new rules
EC considers the UK an adequate destination for personal data
The UK’s resolve to adopt an approach more focused on innovation means future adequacy decisions can’t be taken for granted
Roaming in Europe post-Brexit
Streaming services could face tighter regulation in the UK
The review aims to remove inconsistencies and complexities that currently exist between linear and video-on-demand platforms