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Communications Markets

Subsidising 5G to close the digital divide

An EU-funded scheme in Spain will target sparsely populated rural areas, with the aim of closing the digital divide within two years

Malta: Rules for mid-contract price rises

The MCA seeks improved certainty and transparency for consumers, as well as a shorter contract term on plans featuring inflation-linked increases

A focus on spectrum policy in North America

As the US explores the role of AI in spectrum management, Canada is considering mobile’s impact on the environment

The CMA: How well does it work with other UK regulators?

The review is timely, particularly as cost of living pressures underscore the role of competition in helping to keep prices down

National roaming in Belgium: Dialling up the competition

Spectrum auction rules will facilitate the entry of a new fourth operator, which is intent on disrupting the sector

FCC increases broadband bill subsidies for low-income households

A $75 (£60) monthly subsidy will become available through the Affordable Connectivity Program, which itself requires considerably more funds to keep going

BIPT clarifies drop cable rules in Belgium

Some network owners consider the regulatory framework is premature given that no access requests have yet been submitted

AGCOM proposes to loosen regulation of the fixed access markets in Italy

The ongoing rollout of fibre means more of the country is now competitive, reducing the need to mandate access to TIM’s network

UK Government: Funding boost for satellite and regional 5G

The funding commitment supports the Government’s Wireless Infrastructure Strategy to use alternative technologies to reach the unconnected

Austria: Deregulating wholesale high-quality access

The TKK continues its gradual removal of obligations for Ethernet and dark fibre, following complete deregulation in the consumer broadband market