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Regulatory overhaul in Latin America

Both the Mexican and Argentine Governments are reconsidering the role of their relatively new telecoms regulators in improving connectivity amid different market forces

The challenges of Mexico’s wholesale mobile network

The network remains a key part of Mexico’s telecoms policy, but it has been beset by rollout delays, low adoption and financial challenges, and now needs bailing out

Mexico prepares for its 5G spectrum auction

The multi-band award should result in a quick development of 5G in the country – but policymakers need to address the historically high costs of spectrum

A greater regulatory burden for America Movil in Mexico

The IFT applied new retail and wholesale remedies on AM.

Mexican regulator makes the 600MHz band available for 5G

The Mexican Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) has completed the free-up of the 600MHz band, having approved the reallocation of the last DTT services still operating in the band