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The UK’s Digital Markets Unit

Compared to similar initiatives at the EU level, in Germany, and US, do the UK Government's proposals for a new competition framework strike the right balance between flexibility and targeted intervention?

Also in the briefing:

Spectrum policy and climate change

Some operators, such as Vodafone, want regulators to focus on environmental efficiency of spectrum usage. Europe's RSPG could be about to make spectrum management a key tool in helping combat climate change

The One-Stop-Shop under the GDPR

Given almost €200m of fines from European authorities to Big Tech, Ireland has handed down just one worth €450k. We consider the implications of the Irish authority handling the vast majority of GDPR cases

Net neutrality and fair usage policies

When does unlimited mean unlimited? Belgium's regulator is unhappy with the increase of fair usage policies, particularly in mobile, and wants operators to be clearer about what kind of data usage is likely to push a consumer over their limit