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3G switch-off in the US

The switch-off of 3G is approaching in the US, but pain points still remain. We take a deep dive into T-Mobile's earlier than anticipated network sunset, and the wider implications it could have for the US mobile market.

Also in the briefing:

Plans for a social tariff in Portugal

As Ofcom in the UK appears to favour a regulated social tariff, we take a look at Portugal where from next year a €5 broadband tariff is set to become a reality

Big Tech as a contributor to Universal Service

Given the huge public funding of broadband, policymakers in the US want Big Tech to contribute to the Universal Service Fund. How likely are these proposals to succeed?

Online dependency during COVID-19

COVID-19 placed a huge reliance on broadband infrastructure as the world pivoted to working and learning from home. How did consumer behaviour change and what lessons can be learned?