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The debate on a ‘fair contribution’ to network costs

‘Telecom Insights Week’ brought together stakeholders to discuss the internet ecosystem and how it should be funded in the future

10 year stability for wholesale broadband pricing in Germany

BNetzA aims to give regulatory certainty to the whole industry, as part of a broader effort to facilitate investment in fibre

European Commission starts to review the Roaming Regulation

The EC will prepare an impact assessment by the end of this year as the regulation is due to expire on 30 June 2022.

Germany announces COVID-19 contact-tracing app in collaboration with Deutsche Telekom

The Government is adopting a decentralised approach for matching contacts, and relies on voluntary adoption of the app.

German competition authority gives green light to DT–EWE fibre joint venture

The two companies will now be able to deploy fibre in the north-west of the country, providing they honour commitments they’ve made.

German operators strike rural coverage agreement

German operators strike rural coverage agreement

Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and Vodafone will set up 6,000 new cell sites for shared use.

Deutsche Telekom’s zero-rated offer StreamOn found to be unlawful

The Administrative Court of Cologne has confirmed the decision previously taken by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)