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Cloud market competition concerns in Spain

A complaint alleging anti-competitive behaviour by Microsoft reflects familiar anxieties about the dominance of US tech firms and Europe’s (in)ability to compete in digital markets

Spain's strategic investment in Telefónica

While some European countries already hold minority stakes in national operators, this move is a clear attempt to moderate the influence of foreign actors in key industries

Spain: Orange/MasMovil merger approved with remedies

While the EC may not have fully opened the door to further in-market consolidation, it is perhaps now ajar

Deregulation of wholesale fixed call origination

Spain’s CNMC looks to remove access obligations on Telefónica, bringing regulation in line with the majority of EU Member States

UK: CMA Phase I review of Vodafone/Three

Following formal notification, a 40 working day assessment of the merits of the merger now begins before deciding whether a longer (up to 32-week) investigation is required

Remedying competition concerns in European mergers

As rumours circulate about possible acquisitions, we discuss progress made – and consider the potential commitments – in three live competition reviews

Lowering network rollout barriers in Spain

The CNMC backs the creation of a new agency to facilitate cross-government collaboration and improve operator access to public and private property

CNMC launches cloud market investigation

Cloud services are attracting increasing attention from regulators globally, which is set to ramp up with further adoption of emerging technologies

AI: The EU’s first supervisory body

Spain’s new AI agency is designed to steer the development of the technology while anticipating requirements of future EU regulation

Subsidising 5G to close the digital divide

An EU-funded scheme in Spain will target sparsely populated rural areas, with the aim of closing the digital divide within two years