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Ofcom’s Children’s Safety Codes of Practice

The regulator’s guidance on protecting minors online comes at a time when some governments are considering prohibiting access to platforms altogether

Cloud market competition concerns in Spain

A complaint alleging anti-competitive behaviour by Microsoft reflects familiar anxieties about the dominance of US tech firms and Europe’s (in)ability to compete in digital markets

France: Digital bill approaches the finish line

While the wide-ranging SREN Bill appears to be near its final form, headline proposals on security and competition in the cloud market will continue to drive debate in Europe

Progress report: Global broadband network development

As the rollout of fibre in France begins to plateau, the US seeks to keep pace with its peers by confirming a new target for nationwide gigabit broadband access

Event debrief: ECTA’s manifesto for Europe

The event provided a good opportunity to hear from Europe’s access seekers and challengers on the recent connectivity white paper. Evolution not revolution was the overriding message

M&A: Latest developments in Europe

While an in-market mobile merger in France appears likely, consolidation in Portugal’s fixed broadband market is facing strong opposition

Implementing vendor restrictions: Progress report

Western allies continue to push for Huawei restrictions abroad, even as operators struggle to comply at home 

Wholesale broadband regulation roundup

The latest market reviews in France, Ireland and Portugal seek to clear the way for faster fibre rollouts while preserving competitive markets

CNMC launches cloud market investigation

Cloud services are attracting increasing attention from regulators globally, which is set to ramp up with further adoption of emerging technologies

France: Wholesale broadband regulation for 2024-2028

Arcep’s latest review spans five years for the first time, with new obligations on Orange in managing its copper switch-off programme as the country transitions to fibre