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Data Protection

US: FCC issues fines for privacy violations

New legislative proposals on data privacy would transfer the regulation of privacy in the telecoms sector to the FTC but bring the US closer in alignment to its peers

TikTok on the clock

Neither a sale nor a ban of the app seem likely in the 270-day timeline given the firm’s pledge to challenge the measure in court

GDPR: Meta required to change behavioural advertising practices

No longer able to rely on a GDPR exemption for its use of personal data, Meta has begun to rollout a new subscription model across the EU

UK: CMA settles with big tech on use of rivals’ data

The CMA is flexing its muscle in ecommerce ahead of the expanded mandate under the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill

South Korea’s ‘Digital Bill of Rights’

The charter will be used by the Government to modernise regulation and to lead the international development of digital standards

Regulating facial recognition in China

Deployments in public places will still be allowed on national security grounds

India’s (long) road to data protection legislation

A new law introduces protections for citizens, including children, but exemptions from the rules for government agencies is concerning

Increasing cybersecurity for smart devices

Success of the voluntary scheme in the US will depend on its widespread adoption and ability to drive competition between firms in the provision of security

EU Data Act: Agreement reached

New provisions should help mitigate stakeholder concerns, although creating value from Europe’s data will only follow a lengthy implementation process

Denmark: New rules to limit the collection of children’s data

Several European countries are moving to rein in the power of tech firms, restricting the accumulation of data that underpins their business models