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Ireland: Combatting scam calls and texts

ComReg is seeking to reduce the €300m lost by consumers to fraud each year, but will not rush into the adoption of STIR/SHAKEN protocols

Event debrief: BEREC’s 12th Stakeholder Forum

While the EC’s digital infrastructure white paper took centre stage, speakers also highlighted the increasing criticality of ensuring network security and resilience

Event debrief: ECTA’s manifesto for Europe

The event provided a good opportunity to hear from Europe’s access seekers and challengers on the recent connectivity white paper. Evolution not revolution was the overriding message

Wholesale broadband regulation roundup

The latest market reviews in France, Ireland and Portugal seek to clear the way for faster fibre rollouts while preserving competitive markets

Consumer strategies to dealing with price increases

Regulators in Belgium and Ireland are urging consumers to use price comparison tools to shop around, highlighting the potential savings available

Ireland: ComReg looks to combat scam calls and texts

Addressing different types of fraud simultaneously could be a wise move that may help avoid the pitfalls experienced by other countries

Use it or lose it: Telcos reprimanded for slow-moving spectrum deployments

Licence cancellations may bolster the satellite industry’s arguments for access to mmWave frequencies in particular

Protecting consumers: Eircom in breach of contract change notification rules

Given high inflation and ongoing pressure on consumer finances, regulators will be paying close attention to in-contract price rises

ComReg pushes for a faster mobile switching process in Ireland

ComReg is trying to both facilitate more switching, and promote the uptake of eSIMs which remains low in Ireland

ComReg consults on its strategy for the next five years

The plan looks like more of the same, and is perhaps a missed opportunity to focus on emerging issues such as sustainability