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EU legislators agree on the platform-to-business regulation

EU Commission, Council and Parliament have successfully conclude the trilogue negotiations.

Background: The EC proposed the ‘Platform-to-Business’ regulation in April 2018, to address ‘harmful’ trading practices resulting from platforms’ position of gateway, against which no effective redress was available to businesses.

The agreement: Less than a year from the initial proposal, legislators have reached a common position on the final text. The rules require companies not to close accounts without clear explanation and the possibility to appeal; demand more clarity on terms and conditions, and enforce a 15-day notice to be given to businesses ahead of any changes; and increase transparency on ranking of goods and services, as well as a range of business practices such as advantages given to vertically integrated products or services. Platforms must also disclose which data they collect, and how they use it.

Next steps: The new rules will apply 12 months after their adoption. The EU aims to review them 18 months thereafter, and has set up an Online Platform Observatory to monitor the evolution of the market and the implementation of the rules.