Despite being inline with the preliminary view, there is still a chance the AdC’s decision could be appealed directly to the Minister of Economy, although this mechanism has only been invoked (successfully) once before
EC: Protecting competition in a changing world
DG COMP research shows that mobile prices in the EU are consistently lower than in the US, but that consolidation tends to increase prices and may not deliver greater investment
Event debrief: Fixing the Information Crisis
Despite its journalism-centric billing, the conference offered a range of discussions on how to update the regulation of US communications markets
UK: Vodafone and Virgin Media O2 extend network sharing agreement
Together with a balancing of spectrum across industry, the announcement boosts the chances of a Three/Vodafone merger
US: FCC proposes a ban on phone locking
The US would join only a handful of other countries that have pursued a ban on SIM locking to encourage greater competition at the retail level
Event debrief: EC Workshop on Competition in Virtual Worlds and Generative AI
Even as panellists defended the importance of partnerships to competition in AI markets, the EC hinted at a deepening scrutiny of deals involving large tech firms
Tech and telecoms under a Labour Government
A quick implementation of online safety rules, strengthening the framework for AI and reforms to the planning system are likely to take priority over changes to connectivity policy
Event debrief: ISPA ISP Business Summit 2024
Consolidation and the ‘right number’ of fibre networks dominated discussions, with the ultimate survival of some altnets the elephant in the room
EC issues first DMA findings to Apple
The preliminary findings and the new investigation into Apple’s controversial developer policies reflect a broad but in-depth inquiry into the duopolistic app store market
BEREC’s Draft Report on the IP Interconnection ecosystem
BEREC’s latest analysis draws many of the same conclusions as in 2017, pointing to an evolving market that functions broadly well without regulation